Thursday, July 31, 2008

Woo Hoo!

First of all...
He SLEPT!! All night!
Up at 7:45 am! woo hoo! I feel like a new woman.
I took a shower, I painted my toenails, heck...I plucked my eye brows! It was a miracle! Here's a pic to prove it. In my favorite black wedge heels!

Baby Jay visited the allergist today! His horrible rash was a reaction to the antibiotic I was on.
The elbow issue...quite possibly a bacterial infection! Yuck. Bacitracin should heal.
Eczema...and NOT allergies? WTH???? Well, it appears to me that the body can react adversely to foods with out it being allergic to it. That's our battle. Hit or miss, no set in stone answers.
Recheck Aug 18th with a follow up appointment. So hoping the antibiotic cream clears up the elbow. Otherwise, we have to make an appointment with the dermatologist and have a biopsy done.
So, 189.95 dollars later. No real answers, 8 pricks to the back {soy, milk, egg yolk, egg white, chocolate, wheat}, and more creams to add to the nighttime ritual!

He does not seem to mind in the least.....

I am thinking of getting my hair cut short...what do you think?
I am so tired of it...
It looks frazzled most of the time...LIKE ME!

Jay attacks life...and Jayda!

A friend of mine at All Moments Remembered Message Boards had a picture posted of her dear son who had a frog towel over his head after his was adorable! I told her so. That was over two months ago! Yesterday, I got this lovely dog towel and matching washcloth. Jay doesn't think it is so great yet! Hahaha
I used it tonight after his bath, but I have to rush him to the bed dry with one hand and slather with aquaphor with the other! But it is absolutely adorable...these were the best pictures of the bunch...he was fighting it!!!

Sneak Pic!

Sweet Jayda.

Jake's shoe is almost as big as his baby Brother!


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sleepers Anonymous, 9 months, and Volley

Hi, my name is Jessica.
It has been 9 months and 1 day since I have had a good night sleep.
The last few have been worse than the others.
I have been denying a means of comfort in order to wean someone off of me.
This has brought kicking, screaming, sobs of sorrow, and eventually drifting off to sleep.
My husband has had to leave the bedroom as this scene is, well, deafening.
Tuesday was a little better than Monday. I am hoping tonight is easier yet.
I have set a goal for Friday.
I have been extremely patient and comforting. I do not lose my temper and soothe.
However, there may come a night when I can't take it anymore.
Anyone willing to be my sponser?
I may have to call you in the middle of the night to talk me out of delirium! Are you up for the challenge?

Needless to say, I am in a fog!

Here's a snippet from dinner...

The baby is crawling all over the place now! He pulls up on everything.
Last night he started to let go and stand on his own. Then, plops on his bottem.
I held him up and let him stand on his own for a second and his arms flew around trying to balance, which he did for a second. Then I grabbed hold!

9 Months old:
My sweet baby Jay is growing at a break neck speed. So sad to see it go by so swiftly! Here is the king of his new throne!

He is jibber jabbery and loves to say hi and wave! He says mama but dada comes out more like agagbagba???????

Jayda is turning into a great little volleyballer!

Well, that is all for now.
I have to go and get ready for baby Jay's 9 month old well visit at the doctors.
Stay tuned!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Bite me!

Hahaha Just kidding.
But baby Jay bit me last night in the middle of the night as he was nursing...I flew up straight out of the bed with a few choice words that more than likely would get me evicted from blogger!
He was almost asleep himself and didn't realize it.
Now that his choppers are growing in and he is wanting to chew everything, I am careful!

I have been very busy creating with my scrapping materials! It seems everyday I am driven to complete one page. I just got fabulous news tonight that I won Layout of the Day over at Scrap in Style. Just to put it in perspective, there are 12,466 members on that sight! WOW! It is an honor to say the least! Check out my blog to see the winning layout!

Today was a good day, although Jay is totally struggling with his teeth, eczema, and well toddlerhood. Just one of those stages....wants everything he shouldn't have and is quick as a whip! baby Jay is the proud king of a new throne!

Highest rated in its class for safety according to consumer reports!

The children missed him this weekend and played with him forever when they got home!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

New Teeth=Teething!?!

Ugh, nights are the worst! He refueses bedtime and laying down. Heck, he has been fighting naps too! It's a bunch of wiggling, which involves fussing because we won't let him get into the bad things he wants, which causes us to pick him up and remove him. Wiggling+fussing+picking up=lotsa spit up EVERYWHERE!
Hands in his mouth, rashes, clamping down on things and holding tight while he pulls them hard out of his mouth, chewing on his crib rail, chewing on his fingers, fussy, fussy, fussy are all signs of this life change he is going through. He is even taking a PACIFIER! Well, that's just to have something to chew on!
He is still our pride and joy despite the sleep we are not getting!

Michael and I were to go out to disappearing island in the intercoastal Saturday on our boat. That would have required me up at 6:30 am. Um, I don't think so. He was up and down and cranky all night! So instead, Michael pulled his boat out into the driveway and pretended he was captaining the 7 seas! Actually, he was running the motor, airing up the tires and general upkeep on the boat. I suppose it is all his hard work that keeps it looking so gorgeous!

Last night, we went to Daytona Beach. There was a BBQ festival on Beach Street. Well, we both had visions of booths set up with a bbq ccokoff, lotsa yummy smells in the air, good music, and fun. What we got were completely tattooed people, flea market type booths, and stands selling hotdogs. WTH???? So we left pretty much after I walked over and showed Michael my scrapbook store on Beach Street. We went on over to Ormond Beach and had dinner at TGIFridays. Then of course, Michael insisted he get dessert at Krispy Kreme! {Sorry Jayda, we know that is your favorite!}

Speaking of teething and teeth. Check out super baby in the bathtub!
How about them choppers? You will have to click on the pictures, as all pictures, in order to make it come alive!

After his bath, you will see he and I trying for a picture together. He only wanted my necklace!

Notice the yellow jammies in the previous photos.
In between those and the following, we had 5 spit ups that required a costume change!
Story of our lives! Plunked him in his high chair, gave him some cheerios and turned on a baby video for him. Desperate times called for desperate measures!!!!!

Well, that is about it for now.
Today on the agenda, Mike is off for a bike ride and I am going to, um, well, let's think, probably scrap! Check out my other blog for all the latest creations!
Blog ya later!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Catching back up!

I am doing much better!!! Thanks for asking!
I do not like mastitis. Yuck!

Now, next week, believe it or not, baby jay will be turning 9 months old. We will be heading into the doctors for a well baby visit! Overall, baby is doing great, minus a few skin issues here and there.

Mother, look...Jacob is using some soy sauce. Sorry everyone, this was an inside joke!!! My mother empties out her refridgerator everytime she travels back up north it was one point I think I had three bottles of the stuff!!!

Here's a quick video of him in Jacob's tent!

Here comes trouble!

baby is just up from his nap, so I have to skidattle!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

No Dumping!

Poor thing...look at his expression...he is over the dump truck!

Here he was just after pulling himself up!

I am feeling much better...thank goodness for antibiotics!
Still worn down, but hanging in there!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Excercise is BAD!

Hmmm...who would of thought exercise could be bad for you? I am living proof that exercise is NOT good!
A couple of months ago, I went on a walk with my friend. She and i had a fabulous time. We walked nearly 5 and a half miles.
Then, I got acute mastitis. Remember this? Sunday, Michael and I walked over to Marc's house{about 2 mile walk roundtrip} to check on the cat's. Monday I started to feel a stinging pain...OH BOY! Do I remember that pain!
I shrug it off but keep it in the back of my mind. They say your body can fight it. Let's try. Well, fast forward to today. I got up to fix dinner and I about tipped over from the excruciating pain!!!
I called my doctor and he called in a prescription. As it stands now, I have a pounding headache, my glands hurt, and I am crabby. I do not have fever and have started my first round of antibiotics. I am to take one every six hours.
That shouldn't be too tough...Jay is up like every two, so I am golden with the pill schedule!

Oh boy, the talent show at the library. It was really cute. We were the second family there, we wanted to make sure and be early. Good thing, we had front row seats! Jacob videoed the whole thing and I "tried" to take photos. baby Jay was in my lap so you can imagine how that went.
Can't quite imagine it? Let me help you visualize it!

Jayda did VERY well, and it took a lot of nerve to get up and do that! There were over 100 people there to watch 12 acts. Minus two-the lip syncing 4 year old and a karate kid backed out at the last second.

I felt bad I didn't get any good shots, but I sure got the whole video and it turned out fabulous! Once I get it uploaded to you tube, I will share some clips.

Once home, I took a picture of Jayda.
Oh, yeah I almost forgot...everyone got a really cute trophy!

baby Jay has begun to move around like the energizer bunny. He is pulling himself up as easily onto whatever he comes along and feels the need. The high chair, his toy box, my leg, the coffee table. Jacob was "watching" him in the front room this evening and he accidentally face planted it into the coffee table leg. He was hollering! He has a little bruise on his left forehead! Jacob felt horrible. It is one of many to come. He is busy!
His biggest most exciting trick is pulling up and then letting go and standing there. He usually has something in his hands and forgets what he is doing... and voila...he is standing!! hahaha

I've been extremely creative with the scrapping. I love it! I guess it is seeing the end product, but more importantly...the whole process! Check out my other blog if you haven't already been keeping up with it!

The other day, jayda was being silly about getting a picture. She never stands nicely it's always some silly position or face. This past weekend she was being particularly a big pain about it. I just said, "you wonder why i don't scrap you that never let me take your picture." She stood still and gave me the cutest pose! hahaha

All ya head hurts!

Scrapbooking 500 Pages in 2008