Thursday, May 29, 2008

My mom Blogged!

Can you believe, My mom blogged!?
Way to go mom!
If you go...look at her comments, I sent some of my friends her way to give her some blog love!
They were serious about their comments and came back to me and told me how fabulous that her things are!

I spent the afternoon in my classroom. Packing up and taking it to Michael's office. It was sad in a way. I love teaching...but that thought passed like a blink of an eye! I consider myself a lucky woman indeed to have a second chance at motherhood! I am so much enjoying every moment with the baby!

I can not believe the volume of things I had in my classroom! I still have more to do and I already took 14 boxes! 5 were children's books alone! Oh goodness...I packed up 6 more boxes and they are still in the classroom!

Baby Jay was not real thrilled with being there. He screamed, growled, and squealed until I was finished! But not before he giggle and smiled at some of the teachers who greeted him...and touched his face, hands, and cheeks with their nasty germ ridden hands. Well, I didn't see any germs...but I knew they were there! UGH...Thank goodness for wet wipes...with clorox. hahaha I know, I am pretty good, but I taught school and I know where those children put their hands and then they touch things and then the teachers touch the things and then those same teacher hands made contact with my baby's body! LOL You see where I am going with this!

Anyways, I digress.

Baby Jay is 7 months old exactly today!
Time is flying by!
He can sit up
roll and roll
eats #2 baby food-loves mangos, guavas, prunes, and squash
throws cheerios off high chair
grabs every thing and squeezes TIGHT, my face, your face, his toys, and if he has nails...sorry! haha
crawling..not yet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks to you and your message board I had a slew of company on my blog yesterday. What sweet comments from neat and interesting friends. Did you think no one would ever read it if you did not offer a prize? You are right...only you but I did it for you and me too! Thanks for being the daughter my Mother wished for me. She would have enjoyed our friendship. Mom

Scrapbooking 500 Pages in 2008