My inlaws and my family came to visit today!
I had everyone over for a delightful lunch and carrot cake for dessert. Mmmmmm!
The best part of the day was watching Grampy Jay play with the baby! He plunked himself right on down on the floor and started to play with him. It was wonderful to watch the men enjoy the baby!
After a few minutes of acting "strange" with his company, he was all giggles! Grammy just stares and laughs and talks to him. Aunt Kim has the best hair for pulling so far as baby Jay is concerned! Mommom was playing with the baby in her lap until he started passing gas...then she passed him to me. He just stared at Aunt Betsy and smiled at her the whole week she was in town visiting! I think of everyone, he has enjoyed her best! It makes having him so much better just watching everyone love on him! While we ate lunch, he sat up in his high chair and pretended to drink from his sippy cup and ate some rice cereal!
Everyone oohed and awwwed at sweet baby Jay.
Our visit was great but seemed to fly by so fast! I missed everyone when they left!
Mike had to go back to his office, so I rode in with him and read magazines while he planned how best to destroy the building department! They are making him jump through hoops that even circus poodles can't manage! I just read how to add flourishes to scrapbook pages. I figured it is best to stay calm in a tense situation, and scrappin' stuff soothes me!
{Just in case Big Brother is watching, I was only kidding about him destroying anything!!! He will however, be setting up an appointment with the head of the building department to share his view of the latest firey hoop he is expected to jump through. He will get it squared away!!}
After work, Mike and I met my family for dinner at Crabby Joes. It had the potential to be a wonderful meal. The crab nachos were to die for! It took forever to be served and mine was only so so. I had to send back the Mahi as it was like a fake rubber fish dish. The second one was cooked to perfection. Betsy had crab legs and they were delish. During dinner, I leaned over to mom and whisperd that her meals beat this one by a mile. In fact, so do mine! Although, we decided that it was way better than cooking or doing dishes!
Don't you hate laughing so hard Milk comes out your nose???? I truly don't think baby Jay noticed...{you've gotta click on this picture to make it enlarge.}
He was playing with daddy and being silly in the other room, when I heard..."Honey, help! He spit up all over me...and it's coming out his nose." I grabbed my camera and headed for the other room! In fact, he was baptized in baby puke this evening! He said it even got in his belly button. He made the comment I didn't even seem to care. I politely responded, "He does it to me all day long." Nothing better than watching a father play with his son!
***Disclaimer...Baby Jay did not get in a cat fight, he has a way of gouging his head when he has some eczema.
Picture of the Day:
Baby LOVES blankies right up against his face when he cuddles in to sleep! Imagine how I giggled when I saw this!
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